Former CIA Officer Reveals...
The Secret to Protecting Yourself
From Violent Assaults...
Without Carrying a Knife, Gun or
Taking Years of Expensive Martial Arts Classes.
From: Jason Hanson
Spy Ranch, Utah
Monday, July 3, 2019 

Dear Target Focus Training Guest,

After spending time talking with Tim Larkin I know you understand that your ultimate "concealed carry" (and your primary personal protection weapon) is your mind.

...And that your body simply offers you a variety of other tools to work with.

While we'd all prefer to have a knife or gun at hand should violence strike... with today's ever-expanding gun-free zones that's simply not practical.

Which is why Tim has asked me to introduce you to a tool you can legally take with you virtually anywhere and everywhere you travel.

...Something you could carry on an airplane… or college campus… into a courthouse… or any number of highly secure locations.

It's a tool so simple to master that anyone from age 15 to 85 could use it to help protect themselves.

And one I personally carry on me every single day… as do my family members… closest friends… and training students…
The tool I'm talking about... is...
My Tactical Pen.
If you've not seen one before it's a specially engineered pen, made of a solid block of aircraft-grade aluminum with an extremely sharp, pointed end that makes a remarkable self-defense tool.

Not only can you use it as an extension of your arm and hand that can help stop an attacker, it can also be used as a glass-breaking device in the event of an emergency.

And what helps make it virtually undetectable is the fact it's a fully-functioning pen.

Take a look at the pictures below of the tactical pen I personally carry with me at all times to get a better idea of what mine looks like:
This one's a picture of the pen with the cap removed...
My name, by the way, is Jason Hanson.

I'm a former CIA Officer and New York Times Bestselling author of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.
Here’s a short video where I demonstrate
the tactical pen on some major media appearances
like Fox News and the Rachel Ray Show...
Not long ago, when Combat Handguns magazine asked me to write an article for their publication... can you imagine what I wrote about?

You guessed it... it was about my tactical pen (that's an excerpt of it below)!
Now, while a pen like mine is actually an inexpensive self-protection tool compared to a knife or gun... surprisingly... very few people have actually heard about them.

Which is unfortunate because my pen is virtually undetectable.

(I've never had mine confiscated -- not on an airplane, in a courthouse or in any other highly-secure building!)

And that brings me to the point of this letter...

The tactical pen that my family members and I carry is actually quite difficult to find. But through a long and tedious process that I won't bore you with I've finally been able to secure a consistent (although somewhat limited) supply of these pens.

I've sold 100's of these pens to my training students. Here's what a few of them had to say...
One of my students even takes his tactical pen aboard the President's plane, Air Force One. (He's in the military and works on Air Force One.)

The good news is, I have told Tim that I've set aside 950 of my tactical pens just for TFT customers.

Here's the thing: I've seen people sell this type of pen for prices ranging from $85 to $300!

But as I explained to Tim I'm making these pens available to you at a much lower price.

Why? Because when you see comments I get every day from customers like the one below, I know it's crucial that we raise everyone's awareness of these awesome self-protection tools:
And there are countless others who write in as well...

...Many commenting on the quality and durability of these pens.
In fact, here's a short video I made where
I demonstrate the"ice block test"
just to prove just how durable these pens really are...
And don't forget, this pen writes like a standard ink pen and ink refills are easily found online or at your local office supply store.

And of course, it comes with my unconditional guarantee...
With violence today on a seemingly never-ending upward spiral, these tactical pens are about the only legal (and undetectable) way to help protect yourself when you can't carry a knife or gun.

And now you can own the same tactical pen I carry every day.

Not only that, when you order your pen TODAY... I've just added...

Two New Bonuses...
For TFT Visitors ONLY.

Bonus #1:  45-minute Close Quarters Tactical Pen Training Video
($79 value)
Order 2 or more Spy Pens and you'll gain instant access to my 45 Minute "Close Quarters Tactical Pen Training Video... absolutely FREE!

In this video filmed at one of my live training classes I'll cover things like:
  • Where (and how) to carry your Tactical Pen... so you can always rapidly deploy it against an attacker,
  • Insider tactics I learned from my CIA training... that enable you to quickly spot a threat,
  • The most effective ways to train with your Tactical Pen,
  • How to instantly escape from duct tape... plus other bonus strategies from my CIA spy training,
  • And much more...
    Yours FREE when you choose the 2- or 3-pack below.
    Bonus #2:  LIVE Video Call with Jason Hanson & Tim Larkin
    ($59 value)
    Choose any of the 3 Spy Pen order options below and you'll automatically be invited to join me and TFT's Tim Larkin -- together on a live webinar, for the very first time!

    Tim and I will discuss applications for your new Tactical Pen... AND... I'll dig deeper into strategies I learned during my time with the CIA (things you can put to practical use immediately to save your life or the life of your loved ones)!

    And... we'll answer your questions... LIVE!

    You will not want to miss this.
    Choose One Of The
    Tactical Pen Options Below...

    As I noted above I've set aside 950 pens just for Tim's Target Focus Training group.

    Because of my limited supply and our desire to allow as many TFT folks as possible to secure this pen we've set a limit of 3 tactical pens per person at this time.

    So you know:  most people choose the 3-pack option... for a couple of very good reasons.

    For sure it's your best value because it includes ALL the free Bonus items you saw PLUS our Free Shipping option as well.

    But even more importantly... it allows you to provide additional safety to your family and loved ones by arming them with a Tactical Pen as well as yourself. My 3-pack option lets you... give the gift of life.

    So go ahead now and simply Click the orange Add To Cart button below the Pen package you want.

    This will take you to a secure order form where you can quickly complete your order.
    Because of my limited supply of tactical pens don't delay. Please take advantage of this special offer today.

    Stay safe,
    Jason Hanson

    Some people have asked me if I really carry my tactical pen everywhere, and the answer is "YES"…

    In fact, let me tell you a funny story of what happened to me in the Las Vegas airport.

    When I fly, I always carry my pen in my laptop bag, pictured below:
    I was flying home from Las Vegas a few months back and I put my laptop bag through security as usual. As the bag went through, the TSA person lifted up the bag and asked whose it was.

    I told him it was mine and he said, "There's a knife in the bag and we need to search it."

    I was surprised to hear this and had no idea what he was talking about and I sure didn't remember any knife in my bag.

    Well, I proceeded to watch the TSA worker dig through my entire bag and go through everything including my tactical pen.

    Finally, I watched the worker dig in one of the pockets and pull out a keychain with a tiny knife on the end of it.

    He asked if I wanted to check it and I said no because it obviously wasn't worth my time to go all the way back through security for a tiny keychain knife.

    Still I've gone through the airport with that bag for the past 5 years and this was the first time anyone found that small keychain knife, which I'd obviously forgotten about.

    But my point is... he skipped right past my tactical pen without any concern.
    P.P.S. Look at this note that Justin Doolin of Oak Forest, IL, sent me…
    "I travel quite a bit (within the states and internationally) and the idea of having at least some form of weapon available at all times is comforting. I just went through the safest airport in the world (Ben Gurion in Israel) and I carried my pen with me at all times. Never once an issue, no questions when it was x-rayed, and some peace of mind for me. Traveling alone to new (and strange) countries can be a little scary. But at least I don't feel unarmed now."

    "Thanks for all the great information you provide to keep us safe! Recently, I bought my fifth tactical pen from you (after family members see them for the first time and say how "cool" they are, I find myself "handing over another one" and, once again, in need of one for myself!)"

    ~Justin Doolin, Oak Forest, IL

    Choose One Of The
    Tactical Pen Options Below...

    So go ahead now and simply Click the orange Add To Cart button below the Pen package you want.

    This will take you to a secure order form where you can quickly complete your order.

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